I had a great summer 2006. There was a large kiwi contingent here - Anna, Jona, Nick, Tui, Mylee, Bridget and Heidi came over and had a working holiday. It was a time of fun and games, bbq's and lots and lots of sun.

The infamous Mala Bay.

The gang at a buffet bbq place after Mala Bay. I love the tan I have! Heidi, Leah, Nick, Melissa, Mylee and Tui.

BBQ Taiwanese Style.

Me, Heidi and Mylee outside the Taipei Temple.

Dinner at Chilli's, Tai Chung with Bridget, Mylee and Heidi.

The gang at a Champagne Lounge in Tai Chung. We went and listened to a fabulous Taiwanese singer who sung in Chinese, Taiwanese, English and Japanese with a live band.

Heidi and I trying to be seductive.

Every Wednesday we have FHE. I was in charge of the activity this night - An intense game of cat and mouse! Heidi, My, Me, Melissa and Nick.

Feng Jia Night Market - Models Inc. showing of the newest collection of Taiwanese scooter helmets.
Summer is a crazy time for English teachers because kids are available to study ALL day. Mylee who works for "Sesame Street" English School had a show outside Sogo in Feng Yuan. I sung the Sesame Street theme song on stage......Only in Taiwan!

Sunny Day sweepin' the clouds away....

On my way to the where the air is sweet...

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?
We scootered up to San Moon Lake

Hung in Taipei - Chiang Kai Shek Memorial